© Home Computer 1991
Computer Repairs
Repairing a computer can be just
straight forward
It can be a simple, cannot boot
problem to the sound not working or
graphics card failure.
Don’t let small problem get bigger
seek help.
Home Computer can help no matter
what the problem.
Contact me.
Password Recovery
Passwords are the bain of peoles
lives, it may seem we cant live
without them.
Make them hard and unique they
say, Uge34vFt_kL etc
You try rembering 2, 3 or 4 of those,
it’s almost impossible unless you
hava photgraphic memory.
My answer is yes you can, I
personall have over 115 paswwords
for me and my family to use.
I use a Password manager
Password Tracker Deluxe, it costs
just $19 or £12.15p it well worth it.
If you require password recovery
Contact me.
Health Checks
I am sure most of us go to the
doctors for health check ups and we
take our car in for a service now
and again.
But it seems that you computer get
forgotten about.
Your computer need a check up
more often than you think.
Finding you computer is getting
slower and taking longer to do stuff.
Then it is probably time to get it
looked at.
Contact me.
Data Recovery & Backup
Data is your most precious
comodoty. All the large
Organisations are trying to get you
to use ‘The Cloud’ or what every
they call it .
It is just a vast array of linked
computers hidden away somewhere
in ICELAND (to keep their system
Their is another way thay is at home
with you, if this is what you need
then Email me.
If you think your hard drive has
failed, do not disapir Data recovery
can be done, it’s not cheap, but if
that data is sentimental (photos) or
personal (finance, letters or emails)
then Home Computer can help.
Contact me.
Software Installation
Software installation can be straight
forward, but can catch even the
most IT aware person out.
Got problems Email me.
If you require the Operating System
to be reinstalled and you are not
sure how to go about it
Contact me.
Custom Builds
Are you a Gamer wanting the latest
in equipment, then you need Home
I will resourse all your requirments
and check with you before I order.
Nothing is to big, from a new home
Pc to the large gaming machines,
air cooled or water cooled.
Single graphics card the mind
blowing three or four graphic cards
all linked together for the most
awsome graphics.
I have built games computers for
several clients.
Contact me.
Home Computer is able to complete all the below services.
For further information, Please Contact me.